
Realk Talk: Nurturing Your Wife

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

 It is true that "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear", it is also correct that "When the teacher opens the classroom, the student will appear" God will never you give a perfect person, He will give you a raw material, so you can make the kind of woman you want. One of the greatest challenge that has befell our society is; The quest for young men, searching for perfect women. It is the duty of a man to nurture or build his woman.

A man is supposed to be the woman's mentor, teacher, trainer, builder, pastor, coach, leader and father. She is nothing but a clay in your hands to craft the type of woman you want her to be. Stop blaming her for not being effective, blame yourself for not being a good teacher. A man that is ready to teach, will equally find a woman that is ready to learn.

God didn't speak directly to Eve, all what Eve heard from God was communicated to her through her husband Adam. This was also the case of Mary, God spoke to Joseph on when, how, why and where they should relocate. Even in the case of Abraham and Sarah, God's voice was to Abraham.
This therefore means that; God expects every man to become His channel of communication, development and direction to his woman.

No woman is too bad to learn, she needs to trust your classes and your curriculum, if you can make her understand the end product, she will gladly give herself up for the process. If she hasn't learnt enough, it means your curriculum needs to be reviewed and your teaching style evaluated. Stop searching for a perfect wife, Make your own wife. On the long run, you will be happy you did.

Become the man that God uses!

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