
8 Tips on How to Choose Brides Maids

Tuesday, February 02, 2016

Before this modern era of religions and technology, bride’s maids were chosen from the same group of age, body type resemblance and unmarried. Today bridesmaids are chosen for formality and entertaining purposes. You can choose not to include bridesmaids on your wedding, it’s all good. It’s not a rule to engage them. But let’s say you choose to have your girls around you on your big day here are some tips to help you choose wisely.

1.      Rule Of Thumb
One bridesmaid and one groomsman for 50 guests (There is a correlation between the number of guests and wedding party. The higher number of guests requests for bigger wedding party, the same as a small wedding party works for a smaller number of guests)so the first tip is choose wisely by looking into the number of guests you expect to have.

2.      More isn’t always merrier
The more bridesmaids you have, the greater the potential for complications. You’ll need to get more people to agree on a dress, decide on a shower date, and coordinate all the other joys of bridal party. If you’re on a limited budget, think about who has to pay for all those bridesmaids bouquets. 

3.      Blood is thicker than water.
If you’re close to your sister and future sister-in-law, the thought of not including them in your wedding party, probably never even occurred to you. But if you suffer from a serious Jan Brady complex, the thought of asking your sister (or sister-in-law) to be a bridesmaid probably ranks right up there with having a football hit you in the nose. Still, it’s usually worth including family just to avoid unnecessary conflict. Think of it as having more bargaining power when you’re battling with your parents over the guest list.

4.      Try not to make hasty assumptions.
Don’t write off some friends simply because you think they don’t have enough money to afford that Vera Wang bridesmaid dress you have your eye on. If you want to ask a friend you know is having financial difficulties, you can always tell her that you’d love for her to be a bridesmaid, but understand the financial difficulties. If she has to decline, promise to find something else for her to do in the wedding.

5.      A bridesmaid doesn’t have to be a woman.
Despite the prevalence of feminine pronouns in this guide, if your best friend is a guy, there’s no reason why he can’t be in your wedding. Today, many couples are including members of the opposite sex to stand by them. In these cases, a man on the bride’s side is simply called an attendant or brides man, while a woman on the groom’s side can be called a grooms woman.

6.      No, you don’t have to return the invitation.
Just because someone asked you to be in her wedding doesn’t mean that you must have her in yours. There—we said it. This isn’t a dinner party invitation that you need to reciprocate. Don’t ask the college roommate you haven’t spoken to in years just to return the favor. 

7.      You can have two maids of honor
There’s no reason or rule that says you can’t. If these are the two women you feel closest to, of course you want them both by your side on your wedding day. Just be aware that they may squabble over honor attendant duties: who gets to hold the ring, the bouquet, stand right next to you, and sign the license, and so on. Just tell them both what you specifically want each to do. Its your day…your rule.

8.      It’s OK to have uneven numbers of groomsmen and bridesmaids.
There’s no law of symmetry when it comes to wedding parties—no planned out Lord-of-the-Dance routine that requires everyone to have a partner. Don’t put yourself under the added pressure to fill positions, should they be empty. Once you make up your mind about your bridesmaids, you’ll want to get the word out. There might be nothing worse than a friend who assumes she’s going to be a bridesmaid when she’s not. If you’re afraid of hurting someone’s feelings, remember that, as cliché as it sounds, any true friend will understand whatever decision you ultimately make.

Remember it your wedding, so make decisions that makes you happy. Browse through our bridal collection for wedding dresses and bridesmaids’ dresses. Make your day memorable one.

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