Monday, January 23, 2017

The first thing God requires of you as a wife is total submission to the man who is the head over you. This does not mean to enslave yourself under any man's authority or autocratic rule because he is your husband that is a totally wrong interpretation of God's heart concerning submissiveness.
This is what it really means to submit:
There is a chief reason why God didn't call it "Subauthority", or "subdecisionMaker" or Subruler", the scriptures clearly called it SUB-MISSION, and those are two words coming together.
"Sub" means "Under", and 'Submission' means to come under his MISSION, not authority, not rulership..

If that be the case, you should ensure that you marry someone whose mission looks like something you will naturally agree to stay under, something that is in line or related to what you were born to be a part of, that is the first thing you need to look out for before submitting to any man in marriage.
How can a cat submit to a dog? Or a fish to a bird? Their missions differ, and no matter how hard they try they both cannot "sub".
Find out his VISIONS first, because a man without a clearly defined vision will embark on a baseless mission and worst is that he'll be taking you along with him.
Do you share his visions about God, life, marriage, children, Family, in-laws, money, etc? Are his visions convincing enough to make you stay 'under' his 'Mission' in love?
Staying under a man's mission is a beautiful thing, just knowing that you share the same goals, dreams, aspirations makes it even more easier to do, you know why? Because a decision taken by ONE will always be in the best interest of TWO!

Written by Mr. Abhyacintho

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