
How Introduction between the Bride and Groom Family is Performed

Thursday, September 03, 2015

 Introduction is the stage of meeting the in-laws, for a couple to be married traditionally the introduction stage is important. The groom's family introduces themselves to the bride's family, and asks for their daughter's hand in marriage to their son.

The introduction takes place at the bride's house, and her family is responsible for the preparations and costs, but if the groom's family is able to, they can suggest helping out with some of the costs and/or the food.

The groom family and bride family appoint a representative to act as a speaker for the occasion. The groom's family and the bride's family sit on opposite sides of the room, the speaker from the groom family introduce the groom and his family to the bride and her family. The speaker from the bride family does the say thing.

After the reason why they have come has been stated and accepted, a pray is said, some symbolic items of food ( kola nut,honey, garden egg) is tasted by the speaker and then passed around to the guests. Some additional words may be exchanged, and then the families and guests eats traditional food, and there may be a little celebration.

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