Baby Girl Having a Man in Your Life Is Not the Mission

Monday, December 26, 2016

Some women don't know their mission in life because their man is their mission. Seriously hear this out...trying to make him happy keeps them so busy they've forgotten who they are! They can spend years (let that sink in) trying to figure out why he's gone distant, compromising, doing everything in their power to make him happy. 

 Using different tactics. Depressed wondering what to do next. Seeing no change. Then complaining. And all that energy invested into someone else is energy that could be used to move your own life forward. 

You're amazing yet you don't even know it because you've poured so much of yourself into someone else. We only get 24 hours honey time is precious! Don't look back years from now wondering why you gave so much to someone who isn't worth it.

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