
Love Yourself Fully Before Ever Asking For Love

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Nobody Will Love You More Than How You Love Yourself.

If your quest for a relationship is basically to get love and be loved, you have missed it. Love only comes to those who have it in surplus and not those who lacks it. Never get into a relationship because you lack love. First, love yourself eternally and then you can be loved. No Man will ever love you more than you have loved yourself.

How Do You Treat Yourself? How Do You Consider Yourself?

If you run a life where anything and everything goes, you are most likely to get involved with someone who would even treat you worse.   You must love yourself and place premium on your brand, whoever you 'give your heart to' at this point will cherish it and never joke with it. People will treat you the very way you treat yourself.

How Much You Do Worth In The Market Of Life? Which Price Tag Have You Placed On Yourself?

People will see you the way you see yourself. For a young girl who would jump on the next available bus to visit a Facebook boyfriend, rape and abuse won't be far from her. For another girl who would never wear befitting clothes nor dress modestly, sexual harassment and dis-value will be her entourage as she walks on the streets. For another lady whose health and well - being is not a priority, she can open her legs for any Tom, Dick and Harry as long as he can pay a pantry sum or his mouth is coated with "Love" for that period, she would have emptied the children in her womb even before getting married.

The world was programmed to offer you the exact way you deserve.

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